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Title: ‘WOW’ Microsoft Vista Promotional Launch
Client: SMP
Category: coroprate-branding-and-logos, product-launches-and-promotions, interactive, experimental-and-jaw-dropping
Location: Covent Garden

Locked inside a 6m x 1.7m tall, 3.5 tonne “WOW” ice structure was a brand new Lamborghini laptop, secured with a combination lock.  The Covent Garden crowds gathered and at midday people queued in true British style to have a go at ‘cracking the code’.  At 1.30pm sirens blazed and lights flashed as the winning 3 digit combination was entered.  Crowds cheered and the celebrations were filmed and later repeated at the worldwide launch in the United States.


This was one of the first public exhibits for the Vista launch which was used to raise awareness of the new software system.  The unique promotion was also used to create a buzz and let the public have a bit of free fun – which the ice certainly provided.


SMP, the company who approached Icebox on Microsoft’s behalf stated: “Icebox have gone beyond the call of duty for this promotion and the standard of the finished sculpture, project management and service have been outstanding – especially the speed at which they responded to the brief, which was a bit tight! Microsoft was also extremely impressed and the whole day was a great success”

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